This is a family history blog. It is the story of the William A. Earp family, who homesteaded in Oklahoma Territory, and their descendents and those other pioneer families whose lives intertwined with theirs...Martin Van Buren Wright, George and Mary Jane Deal Earp Ewing, William Cornelius Flatt, and more.
The "Old Home Place" abt 1900-1910

Earp Homestead located N. Keokuk Twp., SE 1/4 S6 T15N R6E, Lincoln CO., OK, or 3 miles north and 2 1/2 miles west of Stroud, OK.
The Earp Family Blog
Here you'll find a family parlor for descendants and other kin of William Asbury and Mary Frances (Wright) Earp, who settled near Stroud (Lincoln Co.) Oklahoma Territory in 1892. May it be a resting place along the highway of time for all who pass this way. Come on in--the door's open. Sit down and rest a spell. Let's swap some stories and photographs from the treasure chest of time. Y'all come on in now, hear?
Monday, August 22, 2011
"North of Deep Fork"
"North of Deep Fork, A Lincoln County Farm Family in Hard Times" is the title of a family history book written by my brother Wayne Pounds. It is now available online at for $10.91 plus shipping. The book is an updated, second edition of a history of a farm family in Lincoln County, Oklahoma, 1891-1941. Inside you will find regional history, county history, family history, genealogy and an Index that includes 165 family names.
This book is largely the story of the Pounds and Olson families from the time of the Oklahoma Land Run of 1891 until about 1941. However, you will find the Earps there also and many other Lincoln County families.
Click here.
Happy Reading! We would appreciate hearing your comments on the book. Thanks.
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